Welcome to IT-Greenville
Your Managed IT-Service Provider
Our Goal Is to Inform & Educate Our Clients
Finding Technological Solutions & Forging Your Company’s Path Forward
IT-Consulting & Solutions
Education and Experience
Helping You Achieve Success
Say Hello to New Technology.
There are consequences to just letting your business technology go without regular IT-Maintenance. So get a Managed IT-Service provider like IT-Greenville. After all, a lot of companies get by with old versions of software and older machines. But If you are looking to grow your business and keep up with your competitors you need systems in place to offer the latest amenities and services to your customers.
Thankfully IT-Greenville keeps up with the latest in hardware and software in a wide variety of business applications. Our IT-Consultants can meet with your team to find out what technologies your business needs to update or even replace with newer and better systems. This Boosts your team’s efficiency while saving your business time and money.
Tips for Cost-effective Technology
Choose Subscription Software
Get Technology that Boosts Efficiency and Saves Money.
Take Advantage of Falling Technology Costs.
Train Employees on New Tech Regularly.

Our Managed IT-Service Provider team takes the burden of IT issues off of your shoulders and free you to run your business.
Virtualization is the act of creating a virtual version of something instead of a physical version, such as an operating system or server.
What is IT-Support?
As you know, moving further into the digital age, a business’s need for in-house technical expertise has become universal. No longer is information technology the sole responsibility of tech-based organizations, like Microsoft, Linux, or IBM. Living in the always-on, always-connected reality of modern business has made IT-Services an essential necessity, without which most companies grind to a halt.
How IT-Greenville is Different?
Being a Managed IT-Service Provider, To put it simply, IT-Greenville seeks to educate and inform our clients. “Knowledge is Power!” and in today’s world, having a basic knowledge of the changes that are being made to your business systems and keeping our clients informed of the issues and solutions that affect their security and day-to-day services is an important part of our IT-Support methodology.
Managed IT-Service Provider Qs and As
How does my company benfit from a IT-Support plan?
IT-Support plans should include pre-arranged pricing for services, like Emergency IT-Support. Without pre-arranged pricing, you may be required to pay large fees for immediate help restoring your services.
Can IT-Greenville help me to find the right systems for my business?
Yes, IT-Greenville has years of experience in consulting, evaluating a company’s current software needs, being a managed IT-Services provider, and helping them plan for the future.
What kind of IT-Support does my company need?
Not all IT-Support plans are the same just like no two companies are the same. IT-Greenville however will be happy to custom design an IT-Support plan that works for your company’s needs and budget.
Does IT-Greenville manage and/or maintain the systems they install?
Yes, IT-Greenville can and does service the systems we install. We can either remote into the system from our offices or access it by an on-site portal to update the systems and make changes.
Can IT-Greenville help link my internal office systems togther?
Yes, where possible IT-Greenville can merge your current systems together and make suggestions for upgrading to new systems that are compatible with each other when older systems are not.
The 4 Elements of Solid IT Support

Emergency IT-Support

End-User IT-Support
Even when your network is up and running properly, individual users can still run into problems. A particular workstation may be running slowly due to unintentionally installed malware.

On-site IT-Support

Remote IT-Support
Hope For The Best.
But Plan For the Worst!
Planning Equals High Rewards.
Unplanned or Emergency IT-Support can cost your business dearly.
Proper IT-Consulting and IT-Support act as your defense against unplanned system downtime, server crashes, security risks, and other technology-related problems. IT-Greenville’s team can help your business with its IT-Support plans and offers the most comprehensive protection for your budget. We offer, custom IT-Support plans that include but are not limited to, the following elements of support: